About the Project

Möbius Floe is an immersive virtual reality game designed as a tool to help chronic and acute pain patients lower their pain and anxiety. Patients are immersed in a virtual wintry setting where they hike through snowy paths and trails, experiencing action-packed encounters. They are presented with a world so captivating, and with the help of a head-mounted display and noise-cancelling headphones, they feel as if they’re inside or part of the world itself. The game includes tasks that stimulate the patients’ working memory and keep their attention constantly focused forward, stimulating cognitive and sensory capacities to effectively distract them from short-term pain.

I worked on Möbius Floe as my undergraduate honours project. In April 2014, I was selected as one of 6 students to receive the annual SFU FCAT (Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology) Undergraduate Fellowship Award for my research and work for the SFU Pain Studies Lab.



  • Game-design and patient related research
    • Researched about patients’ needs and helped implement game design concepts accordingly
    • Proposed and implemented tutorial segment for non-gamer patients to learn about gameplay
  • Game development
    • Contributed extensively to project ideas
    • Contributed as a modeler for 3D assets
    • Created in-game interactions and animations
  • Marketing
    • Designed marketing materials such as postcards, posters, and demo videos



Media Coverage



  • SeaVR – Showcasing VR in Seattle | October 1, 2014
  • SFU Surrey’s Global Community Open House 2014 | March 6, 2014
  • ACM ­– DIS (Designing Interactive Systems) 2014 | June 22, 2014
  • ACM SIGGRAPH 2014 | August 13, 2014
  • Demo for visitor from University of Southern California | September 10, 2014


Workshops Attended

  • Unite 2014: Unity & Windows Training and Porting Lab | August 19, 2014
    • Ported Möbius Floe as an app onto the Windows mobile app store
    • Presented mobile version of Möbius Floe to participants staff
  • PROJECT TYPE: Virtual Reality, Game Design
  • PROGRAMS USED: Unity 3D, Maya, Photoshop
  • CLIENT: SFU Pain Studies Lab
  • PROJECT YEAR: 2014 – 2015
  • RESEARCH BLOG: cherrology.chxryl.com

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